Body Procedures

Conveniently located to serve the areas of New York, NY

Body Procedures New York

Engaging in an exercise program and a balanced diet is a wonderful means of living a healthy lifestyle, but simply maintaining a healthy lifestyle may not produce the results you had envisioned for your body. For many patients, significant weight loss may produce an excess of sagging skin. Skin which has lost its elasticity cannot be firmed through further exercise and dieting; only surgery can realize the results you deserve. For other patients, weight loss is attainable without producing an excess of sagging skin, but problem areas, such as the thighs, hips, abdomen, or upper arms, refuse to be impacted by your best dieting and exercise efforts. Plastic Surgery & Dermatology of NYC offers a variety of body sculpting procedures to match your specific body sculpting needs. Whether your problem areas need slimming or your excess skin needs trimming, Dr. Elie Levine provides a treatment or surgery that can help you finally attain the body you have worked so hard to achieve.*