Lipo 360

Conveniently located to serve the areas of New York, NY

Lipo 360 New York

While diet and exercise are important aspects of a healthy lifestyle, your ideal body shape may seem out of reach despite your best efforts. Lipo 360 in NYC can help you achieve a flatter midsection by targeting the abdomen, flanks, obliques, and mid-to-lower back in one procedure. Slimming down these troublesome areas can give you a more youthful-looking figure.

What makes Lipo 360 unique is its comprehensive approach. Rather than only targeting the abdomen, Lipo 360 can remove fat from the love handles, flanks, lower back, and upper back and bra area. Lipo 360 is often combined with other body contouring procedures, including Brazilian butt lift, mommy makeover, and tummy tuck. The fat removed with Lipo 360 can be used to add volume to the breasts and buttocks. Lipo 360 can also be combined with liposuction of the arms, neck, chin, and thighs to provide you transformative results.


  • Sculpt the midsection to a slimmer appearance
  • Remove fat from areas resistant to diet and exercise
  • Transfer fat to the buttocks or breasts
  • Provide long-lasting, natural results
  • Add symmetry to your overall figure

Ideal Candidates

Patients experiencing extra fat around the midsection that are seeking to treat multiple areas are good candidates for Lipo 360. Lipo 360 is not a substitute for diet and exercise. The best candidates for Lipo 360 will be near their normal body weight. Lipo 360 may be an excellent option for patients who wish to shape and sculpt their body by removing localized areas of excess fat. Lipo 360 can be particularly helpful to treat areas that have not responded to traditional weight loss or exercise.* Dr. Levine will meet with you to discuss your goals and expectations, and help you determine which liposuction technique, or combination of techniques, would be right for you.

Procedure*Recovery*Post-Op Care*
Performed in our in-office surgical facilityGo home same dayCompression garment recommended for 1-2 weeks
Surgery time varies, depending on the areas to be treated; can range from 1-4 hoursBack to work varies, depending on the extent of the procedure; can range from 1 day to 1 weekSutures will dissolve on their own
Only minimal incisions neededLight exercise in 3-7 daysPost-operative lymphatic massage may be recommended
Twilight or general anesthesiaMore strenuous exercise in 2-3 weeks 
Mild swelling and bruising for 1 week

How is Lipo 360 performed?

Lipo 360 in NYC is performed by inserting a tiny cannula through a small incision. Once the cannula is inserted, Dr. Levine will begin removing unwanted fat through the cannula. He will perform this technique around the entire waistline 360 degrees to provide a slimmer, more symmetrical appearance. Following Lipo 360, fat can be utilized for a Brazilian butt lift . Lipo 360 is performed under twilight or general anesthesia to ensure patient comfort.

One of the most exciting benefits of lipo 360 is the ability to allow patients to remove fat from areas no longer desirable and transfer to areas you wish to enhance. Fat gently removed during liposuction is prepared and carefully reinjected into areas that may benefit from increased volume. Natural fat can reduce the signs of aging and restore youthful contours in the face, and volumize other areas, such as the buttocks.

Other Procedures

Absolutely. Lipo 360 is often combined with additional procedures to provide the best overall body contouring results. Lipo 360 is commonly combined with Brazilian butt lift, tummy tuck, and breast enhancement surgery. Dr. Levine will discuss with you which procedures or combination of procedures may best suit your specific needs.


During your initial consultation, Dr. Levine will thoroughly examine areas of excess fat in order to determine the amount and distribution of fat, as well as the quality of skin elasticity. Dr. Levine will thoroughly discuss your goals and expectations, including possible risks and the best way to prepare for your surgery. He will let you know what to expect before, during, and after your procedure, and he will answer any questions that you may have.

Anesthesia Types

Because Lipo 360 is performed throughout various parts of the midsection, general or twilight anesthesia is used for patient comfort.


Lipo 360 is performed in our state-of-the-art, in-office operating suite, which is accredited by the American Association for Accreditation of Ambulatory Surgery Facilities (AAAASF). The length of your procedure will vary, depending on the body areas treated, and can range from 1-4 hours.* After your procedure, you will be brought to our warm and caring recovery suite, where our licensed, registered nurse will make sure you are comfortable and assist in your recovery. You may return home the same day.

Post Procedure

Every surgery is different, and you will receive detailed post-operative instructions for your specific needs. In general, you can expect to have mild bruising and swelling for 1 week after your procedure.* At Plastic Surgery & Dermatology of NYC, our concern for you doesn’t end when you go home. We’re dedicated to providing ongoing care to ensure a fast, safe, and smooth recovery. Dr. Levine will see you for post-operative visits, and he and our staff stand ready to answer any questions you may have about your recovery, as well as your overall health and well-being.


One of the many wonderful qualities that set us apart at Plastic Surgery & Dermatology of NYC is our ability to use a multidisciplinary approach to optimize results. With expertise in both plastic surgery and dermatology, Dr. Elie Levine and Dr. Jody Levine work together to help prepare, protect, and treat the skin before, during, and after your procedure. As one of New York’s leading dermatologists, Dr. Jody Levine will customize a skincare regimen that includes pre-surgical measures to optimize your skin, as well as post-surgical skincare that can help prevent irritation, alleviate bruising and inflammation, and promote faster healing. Unlike other practices, we include unique pre and post-surgery skincare packages as part of your surgical plan. Post-operative packages include lymphatic massage with our skilled medical aesthetician in order to enhance circulation, support healing and improve immunity function, and leave the skin looking radiant and healthy.* Drs. Elie and Jody Levine will be happy to discuss with you the best skincare approach for your specific needs.


Dr. Elie Levine will be happy to meet with you to discuss post-bariatric weight loss procedures. Please call our office at (212) 988-1800, or make an appointment online for a personal consultation in our New York City offices.