Non-Surgical Rhinoplasty

Conveniently located to serve the areas of New York, NY

Non-Surgical Rhinoplasty New York

As a focal point of the face, the nose plays an integral role in overall facial aesthetics.  Even small changes can bring about dramatic improvements.  For people who are unhappy with the appearance of their nose but who don’t want to undergo surgery, non-surgical rhinoplasty is a simple solution that can produce excellent results, with virtually no patient downtime.*  Non-surgical rhinoplasty uses temporary dermal fillers to help camouflage small imperfections in the nose.  With strategic placement of the appropriate filler, we can re-contour the nose to even out bumps, reshape the tip, and correct any asymmetries. 


Non-surgical rhinoplasty is a simple outpatient procedure to improve the appearance of the nose.  Tiny amounts of temporary dermal fillers, such as Restylane®, Juvederm® or RADIESSE®, are injected into strategic areas in order to re-contour the nose.  For example, a prominent bump may be “smoothed out” by placing filler around it.  If the nose is disproportionately narrow in one area, dermal fillers can help balance it by adding volume where needed.  Irregularities in the tip may also be addressed with strategic placement of the right fillers.  The procedure is fast and comfortable, and there’s virtually no patient downtime.

Ideal Candidate

Non-surgical rhinoplasty may be an excellent option for people who wish to make subtle improvements to the nose, but who don’t want, or are not candidates for, a surgical procedure.   Non-surgical rhinoplasty cannot reduce the size of the nose or correct major deformities; in those cases, traditional surgical rhinoplasty may be indicated.  Dr. Levine will gladly meet with you to assess your condition and determine whether you are a good candidate for non-surgical rhinoplasty. 


The results are visible immediately, and may last from 6 to 12 months, depending on the specific dermal fillers used.*  


During your initial consultation, Dr. Levine will thoroughly discuss your goals and expectations, including possible risks and the best way to prepare for your treatment.   As much as possible, patients should avoid taking aspirin and ibuprofen-containing products (such as Advil and Motrin), St. John’s Wort, high doses of vitamin E supplements, and other blood thinners (unless medically necessary) for 1 week prior to treatment in order to minimize the risk of bruising. Patients should also avoid red wine and multivitamins for 2 days prior to treatment.


Non-surgical rhinoplasty is performed on an outpatient basis in our offices.  The procedure is simple and can usually be completed within 20 minutes, depending on the level of correction needed.*  The filler is placed through a series of tiny injections under the skin.  Anesthesia is not necessary, although topical numbing cream or local injection blocks are offered when desired.  

Post Procedure

Mild bruising and swelling is possible, but is usually not present, for a few days after treatment. There is no special post-treatment care necessary, though anti-bruising products are offered.  In most cases, you may resume your normal activities immediately following your procedure.* 


Dr. Elie Levine will be happy to meet with you to discuss post-bariatric weight loss procedures. Please call our office at (212) 988-1800, or make an appointment online for a personal consultation in our New York City offices.